well-written Bob, and as you say, it's a different world than 2016.

Especially, it's a different voting population.

Scaramoochie the other day said 20 million boomers have left the building, and 40 million GenX&Ys have reached voting age, and most those new voters skew to the Left; poll today had Harris up 20 among 18-34 yr olds! And they're at record high motivation levels.

And then there's the women's vote (and now especially the young women's vote) which may be the key to this election.

So every time Trump (and Vance) mock and insult Kamala, they're insulting women in general, and driving them to the Dems. Trump can't help himself: Kamala is nasty, mean, a DEI hire, slept her way to the top, dumb as a rock, and today's brilliancy: she's a "bum". "Just a bum." Good one, Donnie, that's sure to win the women's vote. Not.

And his own campaign strategists had started out talking about targeting suburban women as their key to electoral success. But I don't think they meant targeting them with insults. Old Man Trump must have mis-read the memo.

So my point here is this: I don't think it matters what Kamala said or didn't say back in 2020 or when she was a prosecutor in Cal or any of that.

Remember when Trump was "Teflon Don" - nothing affected his supporters: "grab 'em by the pussy" didn't affect his supports. And he won.

I think we're gonna see that for Kamala: her supporters won't care, say what you want, we're with Kamala.

And the magic gold dust of election campaigns is Momentum: as she's got that now.

A great roll-out; a couple weeks of headlines re: VP pick

Then media saturation with the DNC convention.

And all the while she's gaining in the polls - which is a self-fulfilling prophecy

And there's Old Man Trump and anachronistic Vance ("childless cat-ladies") driving away women voters.

So I feel the beginnings of the Great Blue Wave, and the next few weeks will grow the wave, and then there's the convention bump, and it's a whole new race, a new narrative.

So I don't think anything from her past will stick; and the whole Momentum of her campaign calendar will just keep growing.

It's a new era, a new voting public, and a next-generation candidate.

Let them throw dirt, or drag out old interviews. I remember Obama said "pretty soon they'll be pulling out my kindergarten papers".

The anticipated Red Wave crashed in 2022; my wife says it's because of the abortion issue.

Trump's Red Wave started to gain some momentum with the gunshot in PA and the RNC convention, but crashed when Joe bowed out and Kamala came in with lightning speed.

And now we've got a Blue Wave forming.

And when Bernie stands up at the convention and endorses Kamala, well, we can turn the page on the past. Job One is Defeat Trump, and Bernie and Liz Warren know that.

But my dog is chewing on my leg; I think he's tell me to STFU and don't jinx the whole thing.

So I'll sign off.


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Yeah, I agree with all of this, Abe. I'm not really concerned so much about the election, although the worst thing to do right now is consider it in the bag. But I'm very optimistic.

This is leading me to think a bit about a Kamala Harris presidency. You know, I called the post Bernie's Revenge but Bernie is the only Democratic senator to not endorse yet. He also said that Biden is one of the very few politicians in recent memory who never forgot his middle class roots, and that's tantamount to Bernie calling Biden a progressive. That's a big part of why it was so hard for me to quit Biden, because we're not likely to see a president this effective as a progressive in our lifetimes. What worries me about a Kamala presidency is that it'll slouch into Obama II: impeccable on social and cultural issues, treading water on economic issues because nobody trusts a flaming liberal enough to make deals with them.

But I am getting way ahead of myself. We can worry about that after the inauguration ;)

Cheers ;)

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right, there's only one mission now, and that's to Defeat Trump and keep him and his mob out of power.

ps, I just watched Alexandra Pelosi's "Insurrectionist Next Door" and those people are terrifying; releasing them would be releasing that violent mob back into society with the President's blessing. Not only the Jan.6 insurrectionists, but so many scary crazy Americans who truly believe Trump won in 2020 and that Jan.6 was a day of great patriotism. These people must be defeated with a massive wave, or they'll be right back with Rigged and Stolen and We're Not Gonna Take It ... it's the scariest thing i've seen in a long time, getting up close and personal with total Trump-head cultists.

And they're mostly angry confused alienated losers.

And i can only imagine what they're thinking and saying about Kamala Harris.

We're living in very dangerous times, and nothing is in the bag.

Yes, Kamala has revived optimism and hope of victory, but seeing Trump's cultists up close was terrifying. No taking these folks for granted.

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