Democratic voters must be committed to fighting for Democratic/Independent candidates on the Local level as well. Remember, one of Tip’s favorites. Tip gone but his message rings true now more than ever!

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I also believe that every thinking voter who wants a better life for themselves and others should be Democrats. But the political world is tribal: many Rs would never vote D (and vice versa). What's the solution? A new organization? I propose that we all brand ourselves 99ers - except for the 1% who take more than their share. They can have their own party.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

Except that has a hard partisan coding because you're taking the slogan from Bernie Sanders and Occupy Wall Street. Electoral coalitions are also different than governing coalitions. I understand that people across the spectrum want to dump Trump, but otherwise Dick Cheney has no business being aligned with AOC. Like Biden, Harris is a stealth progressive and will govern like Biden and make her share of Republican enemies; that's the way it's supposed to work.

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We have a really messed up political system in the United States. For most of my life politics has been dominated by two political parties. That was bad enough, but now it’s devolved to where we have to vote for only one party in order to save our democracy. We definitely need what Harris calls A New Way Forward, but I don’t know what the Hell that means, if you’ll pardon my French.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

I don't know if this is so bad in principle. Political ideas are inherently dichotomous, liberty v equality, the free market v government regulation, etc. It makes sense to have two major parties to reflect these natural polarities. What we don't want is a situation in a parliamentary government like Israel, with a despised prime minister (Crime Minister) with only 20% approval who they can't get rid of because he heads up a shaky multiparty coalition.

The compromise to get more ideas in the discourse would be states adopting ranked choice voting, particularly IRV (Instant Runoff Voting). That allowed Democrat Mary Peltola to win a House seat in Alaska for the first time since forever because two wingnuts (hi, Sarah Palin!) split the vote.

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I finally got around to reading this, and it’s an excellent analysis of the impending “white” minority future. Too bad for all those xenophobes.

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I want Rick to see the phrase "Dumbshit Singularity" so bad ;)

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It’s really a brilliant new term. Can’t you write to Rick personally? I’m not sure but I think he makes his email available, or he could probably be reached on Twitter, which I never use and refuse to call X.

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I DMed him on substack. I've asked him to nuke trolls before and he responded, but he gets so much correspondence I don't flatter myself by imagining he'll see it. What'd really blow my mind is to see him use the phrase ;)

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I’m pretty sure you can reach Rick at info@therickwilson.com

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I’m not sure that I’m tracking well this morning.

Who is aligning Dick with AOC? Trump must go.

I fear many Democrats believe a Harris victory would accomplish a one and done.

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Both Dick Cheney and AOC endorse Kamala Harris for president. That's an electoral coalition.

It is not, however, a governing coalition.

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