ha ha, very cool Bob.

You posted our conversation, and I hesitated, and pushed back the publish date. To give it more thought.

I mean, I don't want to take the credit (or blame) for single-handedly up-ending the whole election.

But it is late so I'll have some cocoa and cookies and sleep on it.


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This freakout moment, immediately after the debate, is something we're all going to look differently on in a couple weeks, so I felt it was worth putting in a time capsule. I'll also probably append your recent gracious response and the response to it I'll write in a minute.

Cheers back atcha ;)

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deletedJun 28
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deletedJun 28·edited Jun 28
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deletedJun 28
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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Collaborate? On what? I used a rhetorical term of art, "bedwetting," to describe the well-known tendency of Democrats to excessively worry, and you read it as tantamount to a psychiatric diagnosis. That is so off-point as to be on another planet. I have no criticisms or commentary on your advocacy of exposure therapy to treat anxiety disorders, save to note that it's completely irrelevant to what Abraham Washington and I were discussing. He thinks Joe Biden should step down, I think a brokered convention would be an unmitigated disaster for the Democrats.

You could have an opinion on that and maybe we could discuss it. Otherwise you're spamming my comment thread and I'd hate to have to block you.

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deletedJun 28
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I don't watch TikTok, brah, I'm a late cohort boomer. And I'm not very interested in being concern trolled on my own substack.

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ha, it sounds like we've pissed off a MAGA troll. Must be touching a nerve.

ps, my wife thought you made a good point, and as someone else posted, my idea might be disastrous. But considering that millions of voters saw what I saw, (and it raised doubts in me) then I think it's worth discussing the issue, and if I'm shown to be wrong, then I'll be all-in for Joe. It's not just that I was troubled; it's that so many others were also troubled by last night's performance. That's where my worry lies; with that broad swath of Dems who were so disappointed.

Whatever it takes to stop Trump, I'm in. But are we sure it's Joe?

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I don't think he's MAGA specifically, just a real weirdo. Go to Rick's thread, his post is on the top, and check out his substack. He's completely obsessed with the way we treat anxiety disorders. And yeah, in some weird wingnut way, he's trying to link this to politics in the name of the "new Nader's Raiders." So he could be more Berniecrat than MAGA, another horseshoe theory victim. And he self-deleted his posts immediately after I threatened to bounce him.

Abe, you're my brother-in-arms and I consider you a 100% honest broker. I've checked out the commentary, MSNBC, Pod Save America, Vlad Vexler, a brilliant UK-based political philosopher who mostly focuses on Ukraine. I completely empathize with and get everyone's concerns. And I'm not sugarcoating anything or happy talking; Biden had a truly awful debate, stipulated. Here's what I think happened:

We've all had colds. We know they sap our energy and fog our brains. I'm just two years younger than you are and we should note that even for a baseline healthy, vigorous elderly person, colds are more symptomatically severe and harder to fight off because the immune system deteriorates with age. It's why so many older people died of covid. So Biden prepped hard for a debate that circumstances didn't allow him to have, because he got sick. In the context of what he was capable of delivering that night, he was massively over-prepared and all the details he crammed into his head jammed him up.

But you need to check this out, Abe. Play this with your wife. This is Joe at a NC rally today, in front of a young crowd cheering for him like a football game. You could go WTF, where was _this_ Joe last night?, but it misses the point. When Joe is all fired up and his voice is loud like that, his stutter nearly vanishes completely. He prosecuted all the points against Trump he should have made last night with a vigor and determination that had tears streaming down my cheeks by the end. You want to take _this man_ off the ticket? I'm guessing the bad debate performance lit a fire under Joe, and if he can keep this up in rally after rally and in the media, we've got this thing in the bag, my antifascist friend.

Get your popcorn ;)


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